
Ping Ping開發者網站︰

Ping Ping被包括在Groupees Build in a Box#7裡面,BIAB#7裡的Ping Ping只是DRM-Free版本,沒Greenlight頁面。Ping Ping是一款以恐怖心理為題材的"視覺小說"遊戲,其實說"視覺小說"並不恰當。因為這遊戲沒音樂、沒精緻的畫面,有的只是一堆文字。所以"互動型小說"更為適合。

聯繫Ping Ping的開發者Pinky詢問之下,她說沒計劃登陸Greenlight,寧願走她的獨木橋。

As for your question, no, I don't have plans to put ping ping in greenlight! I'd prefer to go my own, indie way '7'!

這裡的"7"大概是developer Pinky的情意結,原因是Ping Ping裡面可選項目達到777次。

Lots of choices - it’s filled with over seven hundred choices (777 to be exact), and clocking in over eighty thousand words.

雖然Ping Ping有多達777個選項,但只有一個True End。

Yet there is only one true ending.

她有繼續開發Ping Ping DLC的打算,內容為故事之後的路線/其他角色背景。

I'm thinking about creating a DLC for Ping Ping in the future to continue paths / history of other characters




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