Melon是韓國比較著名的數位音樂網站之一,打榜音源評分就是看Melon、Mnet等。而且Melon一天可以投3次票,會影響MBC Show Champion的分數。
Melon is one of the popular digital music website, the digital audio score count in music program are refer to Melon, Mnet, etc. Besides, having a Melon account could vote for Girls' Generation, which affecting the ranking in MBC Show Champion. Here is the tutorial of how to enroll a Melon account.
Step 1: 上Melon官網,點擊右上角註冊
Go to Melon Official Site Click the Register button at the top-right corner of the page.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: 記得要點發送驗證碼,不然等大半天都等不到的喔。要注意的是驗證信有機會被當作垃圾郵件,某浠用gmail就被丟到垃圾郵件去了,所以沒看到就去找找看吧。
It is a must to click "Send Verification code", otherwise the system would not send anything. It has to note that the verification email may have the opportunity to be treated as spam mail. Thus, if you couldn't find the letter, please check your spam mail box.
驗證郵件樣本/Sample of verify email:
Step 5:
確認後便申請成功了,別忘了去MBC Show Champion投票(1天可投3次)和 Melon Chart投票(1天1次)
Remeber to vote for MBC Show Champion(3 votes a day) Melon Chart(1 vote a day)